Latest Google SEO Update : Major and Minor Google Algorithm Changes

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Marketer Academy Mentors Created this Latest Google SEO Update News Page to inform you about Google algorithmic updates, Google Index Changes, Search AI Implementations, Google Spam Fight Actions and Search Engine Penalties Awareness.

latest google seo update

Search engine giant Google is acquiring more than 70% of search engine market share among all search engines metrics. It has conquered the top leader on the internet platform.

Today, having a website is not enough, it is important to promote business online  because in a study it has been revealed that 70% of business is coming from the online platform, then there no reason left to not to take the help of internet.

Every business website wants to see their website in top ranking and it is mandatory to follow the guidelines and algorithm of Google to get top rankings.

Now the question stuck in mind why Google launch updates different algorithm time to time. Well, you need to understand that the transparency, authenticity and relevancy is the core ethics of Google, so it is important to follow the guidelines of Google. These updates bring down the spamming site ranking and rewarding high quality websites.

The launching of Google Algorithm Updates carries out negative and positive effect on search engine ranking of the websites.  With every new updates of Google, it might better some of the website and bring down the ranking of some websites.

The real objective behind the launching of different update is to make the search engine spam free and for that Google penalized many websites and lower down their ranking in SERP.

After these updates users are able to get accurate information and high quality websites in the search engines.

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That is the reason why getting top ranking in Google has now become very tough because algorithm updates of Google is making the search engine firm, secure and qualitative. People can get to ranking by using “white hat SEO techniques’’.

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The most important aspect of Top ranking in search engine is the content and Google consider it King. Therefore, it is important to have good quality content for high ranking in search engine. If you are utilizing the content in an ethical way then it will bring enormous traffic to your website and better position in search engine.

Below are some important and well-known Google Algorithm Updates that support in eliminating the malicious and low quality of websites from the search engine. Moreover, they help to raise the position of relevant and content rich website.

Google Panda Update

Panda update was introduced on 24 February 2011 and it allows high quality website to reach in top position by giving them high quality scores and decrease he ranking of malicious and suspicious websites.

It was considered a filter process of Google in earlier but now it has become the major Google algorithm update.

Google Penguin Update

This is the second major update of Google named Penguin mainly related to over optimization process, which was launched in 24 April 2012. It restricts the spammed websites entrance in Google.

Google search engine launched the Penguin Algorithms Update in April 2012 to better catch sites doing spamming pratices to create backlinks to improve rank.

  • Buying backlinks
  • Obtaining them through link networks designed primarily to boost rank ( aka PBN – Private Blog Networks)

In 2016 penguin makes recovery process fast, so that website can free from penalty if they adopt the guidelines.

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Google Hummingbird Update

Google launched Hummingbird update on 22 August 2013 that helps user to navigate most relevant search results when he enters any query in the search engine.

This updates help search engine to understand the query of user and providing the best possible results even if the grammar or words of the query misspelt.

Google Pigeon Update

Pigeon update was launched on 24 July 2014 in the US and in UK, CANADA, and AUSTRALIA it was introduced on 22 December 2014. The objective of this update is to increase the ranking of local listing in search engine. This update focuses on the distance and location of the website or business so that it influences the Google map results.

Google Mobilegeddon (Mobile Friendly) Update

Mobilegeddon is also known as the mobile friendly update of Google introduced on 21 April 2015 and it focus on the mobile friendliness of the websites. If any website is not compatible in the mobile platform, then it will not get top ranking easily in the search engine.

This updates give preference to those websites that are viewable and accessible with all device.

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Google Rankbrain Update

Rankbrain is the component of Hummingbird algorithm, which was announced in 26 October 2015, it is an artificial intelligence, which allows Google, identify the meaning of query entered by the users and help in providing the relevant and close information to the users.

It is undoubtedly the third significant ranking factor for the websites. It observes various websites and improve ranking in search engine.

Google Possum Update

On 1 September 2016, Possum was announced and it detects the variation of search results as per the different location. In short, we can say Possum helps all the local search results that allow improving the position of the website in search engine.

It helps websites or businesses that are beyond the boundary of the city.

Google Fred Update

Google Fred is the latest update launched on 8 March 2017 that identify and degrade those websites that breach the guidelines of Google webmasters.

The Fred penalizes Websites including excessive advertisement, Pop-ups, low quality and copied content, poor user response websites.

Final Thought About Google’s Frequent Changes

Every Google Algorithm has a unanimous objective is to make better user experience and make search engine user friendly.

Google give top priority to high quality content, better user engagement, relevant information and making its database free from the prohibited, spamming, malicious, suspicious and low quality websites in order to deliver best possible and relevant search results to the searcher or user.

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